level 2 award in safe application of Pesticides using self propelled mounted or trailed boom sprayers (C&G NPTC) 021650

Course Overview:

Horizontal Boom Sprayers

The one-day training is designed to prepare candidates for their C&G NPTC assessment and provides the knowledge, understanding and skills to apply pesticides using a self propelled, mounted or trailed horizontal boom sprayer. Topics covered include environmental considerations, legislation, product information, calibration, safe operation and post-operational procedures.

City & Guilds NPTC state candidates must not go forward for testing until the Pesticide Application Foundation Module PA1 unit has been achieved as this is a prerequisite.

Course Objectives:

  1. Preparing equipment for work
  2. Application rate: setting and testing
  3. Preparing pesticides and filling sprayer
  4. Spray drift and environmental factors involved
  5. Maintain and store equipment and pesticides out of season
  6. Safety regulations and legislative components
  7. Checking and fitting pump
  8. Cleaning and inspection of equipment
  9. Setting boom height
  10. Practical field operation and practice
  11. Safe driving practice

Attendees must be capable of reading and interpreting product label information, as well as calculate formulae with the use of a calculator. Ability to safely operate the boom sprayer vehicle is also a course prerequisite.


Training and assessment will take place at your premises using your own equipment, each course can accommodate up to 4 candidates.


Total 2 days (One-day training plus assessment on a separate day)


Bookings of up to 3 candidates £910 + £80 vat = £990

Bookings for 4 candidates £1,230 + £80 vat = £1,310

Given the unique setups of each sprayer, we recommend you first get hands-on experience with the machine under the guidance of your current operator or supplier. Once you’re familiar with its operation, please feel free to contact us to schedule your NPTC assessment.  Alternatively consider Lantra Awards Level 2 in Safe Application of Pesticides using Vehicle Mounted Boom Sprayer Equipment which could work out more cost effective for individuals.

How to book:

Contact us for more information

Is this course for you?:

If you want to safely and efficiently use the relevant equipment when applying pesticide then you will need to undertake the NPTC training involved in the PA2 module. You can only undertake other pesticide application modules once you have successfully passed and gained the certificate of competence learned in the PA1 Foundation Module. You may wish to go for our PA4s or PA4g modules if you are intending to use slug pellets or granule. Or you might wish to skip to PA6 which covers hand held applicators.

Not sure if PA2 is right for or want some more advice? Just get in touch and we’ll help you every step of the way.


Sayers Farm, Lower Bovinger Green, Ongar, Essex

Call Us

Training - 07832 968507

Farm - 07802 858376